My journey from being a wide-eyed child marvelling at the magical world of technology to becoming a dedicated student of Computer Science is a testament to my unwavering passion and determination. Learning to code and mastering multiple programming languages has not only enriched my knowledge but has also given me the tools to address complex problems. I have expertise in but not limited to the following programming languages
With Over 5 Years of experience, I have my heavy expertise at the Swift Programming Language, which is used for iOS Application Development. View more detail on my iOS Development Page.
Being the Bugatti of the programming language, C++ with it's extremely fast and responsive speed, it allowed me to create hundreds of lines of programs which was compiled within milli-seconds.
A language very common amongst the beginners, it's interpretation technology allowed me to expand on my programming concepts by running the program line by line.
Being the backbone of Webpages, HTML and CSS allowed me to create, edit and modify existing web pages for my own needs, which could be later embedded into my websites. I am also Wild Learner certified HTML & CSS Developer.
Knowledge of Javascript not only allowed me to create algorithms within web pages but also allowed me to certify as JavaScript Developer by Wild Learner.